"विद्यां ददाति विनयं विनयाद् याति पात्रताम् ।"

A-grade Co-educational School

Roral High School (RHS), an A-grade co-educational institution was founded by renowned academicians and dedicated professionals in 1980 AD (2036 BS). The  school was  established  to cater the demand of the parents extending the good school  culture  that we  have been  successfully   delivering  through  our  Pre-School  and  Primary  School Program …

Pre-Primary Wing

Max Students Per Section:25 Max Section in a Class:2 Admissions Open(2021-2022) Session

Primary Wing

Max Students Per Section:25 Max Section in a Class:2 Admissions Open(2021-2022) Session

Secondary Wing

Max Students Per Section:25 Max Section in a Class:2 Admissions Open(2021-2022) Session

Message from the Director

Mr. Anil Kumar Mishra

Dear Parents,
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make. So, what exactly makes a great school and the right one for your child? Outstanding facilities, a central location, expert teaching and support staff, excellent examination and university entry results, the highest levels of health and safety and pioneering educational programmes are certainly key aspects.…

Parents TestiMonial

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